Education, Capacity building and Spreading
The AAEE yearly offers courses at three different levels concerning all issues of wind energy. It also issues a monthly newsletter which local, regional and world wide information regarding wind energy technical, political and academicals news.
Consultancy, Measurements and Installations
The AAEE provides consultancy services as well as analysis and design services of energy supply systems based on renewable sources. The AAEE also supervises installations of wind energy systems and hybrid systems. It carries out wind resource measurements as well.
Isolated locations: renewable based electricity supply systems.
Advice about case-suitable technology. Feasibility studies.
Analysis and development of proposals and specifications.
Analysis of insurances for wind farms.
Analysis and design of wind measurements.
Performance and supervision of wind measurements.
Wind data analysis.
Wind mapping.
Wind energy systems design and layout.
Hybrid wind-hydrogen systems for decentralized electric and thermal supply, also focused on isolated locations.
Advise on appropriate equipment selection and installation.
Coordination and supervision of wind farm installations.
Wind farm operation and condition monitoring.
Bioclimatic architecture project design.